A little announcement
Although I do not think people come here, I just wanna say this.
Heh. And I'm thankful for it. I choose not to let chinese ruin my life. So... I now am eligible to attend JC! Cos I have a D7. and thats all I need. whee.
Felix Kyros Ang Mao Ler
Banished for 17 years now
Left the Shimmering Lights Behind
Dark Angel
Twelth, of Twelth
Suffering the curse of humanity
Lust for blood
deep.desires 1. Human Rejection
2. Time
3. Freedom
4. To Leave this Cursed Land
5. My Soul
6. My Sanity (I Got This Back)
7. Of Wisdom and Lightworks
heart.felt Lacuna Coil
Within Temptation
Elfen Lied
The Moon
last.words i still love you. i always have. i was banished from the light, to get caught in the middle. punished with insanity. death out of my grasp.
you never existed to care for me. you existed for me to care. and when i cried, nobody came. nobody alive. humanity is dead.
new humanity was recreated. and you punished me by making me part of it. i still cry. still nobody comes. nobody comes. nobody ever came.
and still i scream, torn apart in the battle in my own mind. the battle of two, the battle of three. nobody comes to help me, for i wish no human help.
what could humanity do but rip me further? locked in rotting flesh. destined to be punished. because of you. you who lies. you who never lived, and you who will never die.
over. ended.
all silent as the ticks of the halted hands.
i turn. i see.
the dances of grey havens, over the earth so cold
and sit, in the cries of a motherless child.